Conference 2020 – Cancelled

Dear Friends in Christ,
Now it is time to tell you that the conference is definitely cancelled, even for our German friends.
At the last Kings Fleet 2019 in Oskarshamn we changed names for prayer partnership, you remember?
We would suggest that you make contact with your prayer partner by phone, mail, skype, WhatsApp, whatever and talk, encourage, console each other and pray together.
If you want to share something from your ministry, update or prayer, please make use of the KingsFleet homepage and publish some news.
To do this just email any update to Cameron at
We are also looking at ways that we could hold a ‘virtual’ conference online and will announce news of this soon. If this goes ahead then you could join us from anywhere in the world 🙂
Created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Eph.2,10)
May God richly bless you!
We will meet again!
Reinhild and Martin Saal
Missionskutter ELIDA