Video Gallery

Vaka Hop'e | Episode 1 - Getting Ready

Broad Reach is expanding!

Ep2 What were you thinking? - “It took a shock to get me out of my bubble”

A Ten Minute Tour of the Global Mercy (almost) -- My Mercy Ships Adventure #89

Sailing Dead Reckoning: Christian Sailing Adventure. Come Sail Away & Find You, Then You’ll Find God

Against The Tide | Elida Sails to Israel

Hope for Haiti - the Back Story

shining star sailing cape town to west africa

Shining Star Sailing voyage from CapeTown to Senegal, Dakar, 2013

The Next Big Step for the Global Mercy - Mercy Ships VLOG 03

A Permanent Home

Dare To Dream: Our Story - Ep 11 Sailing With Thankfulness

Easter Greetings

Yachts For Life Promotional

Sailing For Jesus - Real Life - Sneak Peek

Introduction and calling of DiscipleShips

MV YWAM Koha Update | Oct. 2020

TS Britta, Gosport to Penrhyn Refit

OM Ships CEO with CEO of Marine Reach Global

OM Ships CEO Update - July 2020

This is the Bluewater DTS

Uttermost Ministries Missions

The School of Navigation & Seamanship // aka the NAV School @ Port YWAM

KFP Promo 3min

„Sea-Watch 4“ - Schiffstaufe von United4Rescue

Elida i Stockholm

Sea Bridge One

"We Need You" - YWAM Ships Newcastle

Thinking about what's next #Ep.38 - Sailing Messenger

Missionsbåten Christina

YWAM Medical Ships - A day on Poraran

Vine Trust's Medical Programmes - Peru & Tanzania

Mercy Ships: Guinea Field Service Overview

Broad Reach - Island Visit

Good Samaritan shipping Ministries Leaving the Port of Tampa Bay

YWAM Ships Philippines

What would you bring to an isolated island?

Logos Hope in Latin America 2018

Floating Health Care Clinics | SEA MERCY

The School of Navigation and Seamanship 2018 with YWAM Ships Kona