Pacific Basin – Newsletters

Pacific Newsletters
We have been trying to find the right time to get together online, but it doesn’t seem to have been working out. We think this is partially due to the timezones and secondly due to the poor internet available on various islands/boats.
So for now, we are going to stop trying to have monthly meetings and instead we are going to send out a newsletter to share updates every six months, with additional updates whenever there is something key to share.
In addition, we will try to have an annual zoom call around the same time as the main conference, so we can see each other’s smiley faces 🙂
The N.Atlantic / European meetings will continue each month and of course, you are all invited to join us there whenever you are able.
You are awesome and we are so blessed to be connected with you and seeing what God is doing in your life and through your ministry.
Please do keep in touch, send us updates when things are happening or you need prayer. and we will either include them in the next update or post them to the private Facebook group for prayer. The Crews Mess
We believe God has great plans for the Pacific and we want to help in anyway we can, by connecting and supporting you!
God bless you and keep you strong!
The Kings Fleet Crew
Can we keep in touch?
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