Our History

The first Kings Fleet conference was held in Sweden in 1979, it was known then as the "Skippers Conference" as it was a group of skippers from maritime ministries in Sweden and throughout Northern Europe who met together annually.

Approximately 15 years later, Birger Borgemo from Shalom Ministries took responsibility for organising and often hosting it.

The first American conference was hosted by Dan Smith from Maritime Ministries a few years ago, helping to spread the word on the other side of the Atlantic.

In 2019 Cameron Springthorpe attended the Swedish conference and recognizing the need for an online presence created the Kings Fleet website, took on the email list from Birger and started spreading the word further afield.

This turned out to be an example of God's perfect timing as with C19 around the corner it was impossible to meet in person.

Each year a different ministry takes it in turn to host the conference, and in 2020 it was due to be hosted by the Elida crew in Germany as this was sadly not possible, the first online conference was held which was a great success and included people from many countries.

Regular online meetings followed with the help of Dan Smith - Maritime Ministries, Michael Seyfert - Sailing for Fun and Ann Ford, Jeff and Anne, and others, as the connections continue to grow around the world.

Our conferences are now hybrid, although nothing beats the experience in person, so if you can, we invite you to join us at the next conference, and get to know more members of the Kings Fleet Family!

Annual Conferences