Conference 2023 – North America

October 24-26, 2023
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
715 N Poindexter Street
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be consistent in prayer.”
Romans 12:12 ESV
Guest speakers: Dr. Bane Angles, VP for Student Affairs
Dr. Claudio Divino, Professor of Ministry
Dr. Josiah Peeler, Assistant Professor of Bible
Dr. Ronnie Woolard, Professor of Bible
Dr. Bob Smith, Distinguished Professor of History
Worship Leader: Aaron Koerner
Breakout Sessions: Ann Ford – Hold Fast: Keeping the faith in the storm.
Anne Posner – Art & Ministry or Art as Ministry
- Our closest airport is ORF in Norfolk, Virginia.
- Our conference fee will be $100.00 per person (pre-paid), which includes nine meals and daily Fika. (Fika is Swedish for coffee break). A single-day $30.00 registration will include Fika and two meals.
- Room options range from berths on one of our vessels, a college dorm room, a room in local homes rented for the conference, and our friends nearby B & B. Final options are to be placed on our website ASAP.
- Registration will be online as soon as add / drop occurs at the University, giving us the exact number of dorm rooms available.
- This conference is for those already engaged in a boat or ship-based ministry and those exploring the missional concept.
- All meals will be in the new Mustang Café on the University campus. They are well-balanced all-you-can-eat meals, including beverages, a huge salad bar, baked items, ice cream, and other desserts.