Greece and Eastern Med – Prayer

Meeting online every other Monday evening
In the last couple of years God has been connecting those of us who have a heart for Greece and the Eastern Med, and are looking to further His kingdom throughout the region, (by the use of boats of course!).
For some, these opportunities are already in the pipeline, for others God has just started prompting them, and for those involved with organisations like Broad Reach Maritime, they have already been faithfully serving for many years.
Whatever your stage in the journey, we know it is vital that we continue to pray together, to seek God’s will, and generally cover everything in prayer, as we move forward in unity.
We are meeting every other Monday and would love you to join us!
Repeats: Every 2 weeks on Monday evenings. 1900 (UK) – 21:00 (Greek)
Will you join us next time?
To receive emails with the login details to join us, just complete the form below and make sure you tick the Greece and Eastern Med Prayer box.