Kingfisher Project

Ministry Name: 

Kingfisher Project

Base Location:

Skopolos, Greece

Vessels Operated:

Types of Ministries:

Discipleship, Retreats

Areas of Operation:


Key People:
Theo and Sandra Goutzios

Ministry overview

Hi, my name is Theodore Goutzios. I’m the project director of the Kingfisherproject. I’m married with Sandra since 1980, and we have for most of these years been working together in full-time Christian service.

Our mission has been to spread abroad the good news of Jesus Christ. That, He gives life to those who would trust in Him.

Since 1997 we’ve been working with Torchbearers – Austria, running discipleship training courses and Christian Retreats. Equipping and encouraging Christians to embrace the Life of Christ, and share it far and wide. So that many may come to have faith and
life in Him.

Join the Community - The Crews Mess

and connect with other members today!

The Crews Mess community already has groups, forums, direct member messaging and a map showing who else is in your part of the world.  We have a lot more in the pipeline, so come and join the crew today!

Register for free, or give a gift if you are able, either way we look forward to getting to know you!

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members of the Kings Fleet today!

Where next?

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